About the Author


I am called “Beloved” by my Savior, the One who gave His life for me and has called me to ridiculously incredible and somewhat terrifying things.

I am named “daughter” by the wonderful parents who raised me and continue to encourage and support me, in spite of the fact that I am not very good at adulting and need their help quite a lot. They are the ones who know me better than I know myself; they made me who I am and I am proud to call them my very best friends.

I am called “sister” by the most sacrificial and compassionate young woman on the planet, as well as by her husband, who’s all right I guess. (Just kidding, he’s actually one of my favorite people and I am so blessed to have him for a brother-in-law.)

I am designated “friend” by those who make me tea and sit and listen to me talk for hours, and who laugh when I comment too much while watching movies. Their hearts are as big as the huge sweaters they don, and they are never afraid of looking foolish for the sake of an aesthetic or for an artsy photo. They have compassion and ambition and adventure in their blood, and they make me love Jesus more than I ever thought I could.

I am labeled “coffee snob” by Starbucks baristas who have to take my stupidly complex order for a latte–what can I say? If you’re going to have alternate options available to me, I am 100% going to take advantage of them.

I am deemed “student” by the brilliant professors who feed my hunger for knowledge with the storage of their own intellect, and who have poured out their efforts to aid my fledgeling attempts at surviving in the real world.

I am likely labeled “hipster college student who reads too many books and writes too many abstract quotes on her Instagram” by those who do not know me. They have no idea what they’re missing–though honestly, it’s probably for the best. I am kind of an acquired taste.

I am a self-diagnosed “guacamole fanatic”, “creative avenues explorer”, “movie critic”, “book lover”, “sleeping and napping professional”, “college apartment mom”, and “budding world traveller”.

My name is Serena, and I am your host, your chef, your dining companion, and your friend.

It’s a pleasure to meet you.


[Now it’s your turn!! Share something about yourself with me in the comments or via email (skellens@anderson.edu)–I would love to get to know you.]